Monday, 20 January 2014

Chinese New Year

Today we began to learn about China and Chinese New Year. The Chinese celebrate their New Year on a different day each year, and they also call their years after one of 12 different animals.
Here is a video of how that came about:

To find out what year you were born in, click here:

We also watched a video of what a Chinese New Year is like (even though this one is in Australia!)

This website shows you what your name is in Chinese

Finally we had a go at writing our own names in Chinese - it was great fun



Friday 31st January

Gung Hay Fat Choi everyone! On Friday we celebrated Chinese New Year. Fortune cookies are a very popular part of a Chinese meal, so we decided to make our own out of paper and write a special message inside. If you were lucky enough to get one we hope you enjoyed it!

We also made small lanterns to decorate the classroom and scary dragon masks too. Here is some of our work:



If you have any more fun facts about Chinese New Year, or even China itself, make sure to let us know by leaving a comment on this post.

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