Friday, 17 January 2014

A famous inventor

This week we were learning about a very famous inventor called Thomas Edison. Over the course of his life he had more than 1000 inventions. An invention is where you design and make something that has never been done before. Thomas Edison is most famous for designing the light bulb, but he also designed the first phonograph, which was the first piece of technology to be able to play recorded music, and the first cine camera, which are still used in cinemas today.

If you want to learn more about Thomas Edison, have a look here:

We had a go at designing our own inventions in class, and there were great ideas, such as,

- a pancake maker
- an orange juice maker
- a snowball gun
- x ray vision glasses
- an IPhone flick up
- a pen tattoo machine
- a hover car that can fly
- a hover boat
- a "go away rats" machine
- a tent machine
- a cloning machine
- a burger machine
- a football machine
- glowing up paper
- a toy for a dog and a horse
- a golf ball machine "a quick way to play a game of golf"
- a Lego bat gun
- edible paint
- a smiley face swimsuit
- a head warming vibrating helmet
- glow up makeup
- a magic homework pen
- a swimsuit that glows in the water
- a hot dog maker
- a snow machine
- a burger maker 2000
- a firework machine
- a homework machine
- a pancake muffin and doughnut machine

Here are a few of our designs :)





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