If you want to learn more about Thomas Edison, have a look here:
We had a go at designing our own inventions in class, and there were great ideas, such as,
- a pancake maker
- an orange juice maker
- a snowball gun
- x ray vision glasses
- an IPhone flick up
- a pen tattoo machine
- a hover car that can fly
- a hover boat
- a "go away rats" machine
- a tent machine
- a cloning machine
- a burger machine
- a football machine
- glowing up paper
- a toy for a dog and a horse
- a golf ball machine "a quick way to play a game of golf"
- a Lego bat gun
- edible paint
- a smiley face swimsuit
- a head warming vibrating helmet
- glow up makeup
- a magic homework pen
- a swimsuit that glows in the water
- a hot dog maker
- a snow machine
- a burger maker 2000
- a firework machine
- a homework machine
- a pancake muffin and doughnut machine
Here are a few of our designs :)
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