Monday, 3 February 2014

Groundhog Day

Today we were learning all about Groundhog Day. This takes place every year on the 2nd of February in America and Canada. The tradition goes that when a groundhog wakes from its hibernation, it looks out of it's burrow and if it is sunny, it sees a shadow and stays inside, meaning there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If, however, the groundhog sees no shadow and leaves it's burrow, then spring has arrived!

The most famous groundhog event happens every year on Gobler's Nob, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, in America. A groundhog named Phil comes out and predicts what will happen with the weather for the next 6 weeks. Because it is so famous, thousands of people come from all over the world to see Phil on February 2nd. Check out a video of Phil here:

We decided to have a go at predicting the weather ourselves, so we will used a special groundhog sheet to record what we think the weather will be like on Friday the 14th of February. There were some interesting guesses, so best of luck to everyone!

We also played a game where we were blindfolded and had to pin the shadow under the groundhog in the correct place. This was great fun!
Here is our groundhog board in class
Check out this website for looooooooaaaaaaadddddddsssssss of facts about groundhogs!
Here are some fun groundhog games:

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