Monday, 20 January 2014

Chinese New Year

Today we began to learn about China and Chinese New Year. The Chinese celebrate their New Year on a different day each year, and they also call their years after one of 12 different animals.
Here is a video of how that came about:

To find out what year you were born in, click here:

We also watched a video of what a Chinese New Year is like (even though this one is in Australia!)

This website shows you what your name is in Chinese

Finally we had a go at writing our own names in Chinese - it was great fun



Friday 31st January

Gung Hay Fat Choi everyone! On Friday we celebrated Chinese New Year. Fortune cookies are a very popular part of a Chinese meal, so we decided to make our own out of paper and write a special message inside. If you were lucky enough to get one we hope you enjoyed it!

We also made small lanterns to decorate the classroom and scary dragon masks too. Here is some of our work:



If you have any more fun facts about Chinese New Year, or even China itself, make sure to let us know by leaving a comment on this post.

Friday, 17 January 2014

A famous inventor

This week we were learning about a very famous inventor called Thomas Edison. Over the course of his life he had more than 1000 inventions. An invention is where you design and make something that has never been done before. Thomas Edison is most famous for designing the light bulb, but he also designed the first phonograph, which was the first piece of technology to be able to play recorded music, and the first cine camera, which are still used in cinemas today.

If you want to learn more about Thomas Edison, have a look here:

We had a go at designing our own inventions in class, and there were great ideas, such as,

- a pancake maker
- an orange juice maker
- a snowball gun
- x ray vision glasses
- an IPhone flick up
- a pen tattoo machine
- a hover car that can fly
- a hover boat
- a "go away rats" machine
- a tent machine
- a cloning machine
- a burger machine
- a football machine
- glowing up paper
- a toy for a dog and a horse
- a golf ball machine "a quick way to play a game of golf"
- a Lego bat gun
- edible paint
- a smiley face swimsuit
- a head warming vibrating helmet
- glow up makeup
- a magic homework pen
- a swimsuit that glows in the water
- a hot dog maker
- a snow machine
- a burger maker 2000
- a firework machine
- a homework machine
- a pancake muffin and doughnut machine

Here are a few of our designs :)






This week we have been looking at, and working on, limericks. A limerick is a funny little poem that has five lines. It is usually a kind of nonsense poem, and doesn't always have to make sense. Usually the last word in the first, second and last lines will rhyme, and the last words in the third and fourth lines will rhyme. Here are a few funny examples:

There once was a fellow named Tim
whose dad never taught him to swim.
He fell off a dock
and sunk like a rock.
And that was the end of him.

There was a young lady from Leeds
Who swallowed a package of seeds.
Now this sorry young lass
Is quite covered in grass,
But has all the tomatoes she needs.

There was once a young girl who said : "Why
Can't I look in my ear with my eye?
If I put my mind to it
I'm sure I can do it.
You never can tell till you try."

A circus performer named Brian
Once smiled as he rode on a lion.
They came back from the ride,
But with Brian inside,
And the smile on the face of the lion.

Once we had listened to a few we decided to write some of our own. The results were pretty good I think you'll agree!

If you want to practice some more at home, here is a good website to help you

Happy limerick writing!!!!!

Monday, 13 January 2014


Dillon and Cian K took part in a soccer tournament in Blanchardstown at the weekend. They were playing for Kinsealy Boys under 10s and they ended up winning their competition. Well done lads and keep up the practice!


Seo chugaibh na cluichí a bhí á inirt again an seachtain seo chaite

The Salmon of Knowledge

This week we learned the story of the Salmon of Knowledge. Here is a video which tells the story in great detail:

We also made our very own Salmon of Knowledge in art class. Check out some of our work!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Meet the President!!!!!!

Just before Christmas, Jaydeen and her younger brother Reece got to meet the President, Michael D Higgins. Here is a picture of them on the day - weren't they lucky!!!!