Today we had Éanna Ní Lamhna from the radio show "Mooney Goes Wild" in with us to talk about wildlife, and creepy crawlies in particular. She told us lots of interesting information about spiders, including:
- spider's legs are on their head
- they have 8 eyes
- they have a special oil on their feet to stop them getting stuck on their own web
- they are cannibals, which means they eat other spiders
- when they want to have a baby with another spider, the male will bring a dead fly with him for the female to eat, instead of getting eaten himself
- black widows are spiders in America which eat their husbands!
She answered lots of our questions and also had a few examples of tarantulas (dead ones!) to show us. Thanks for coming in to see us Éanna!
Check out the RTE website here to see a special webcam video of birds in a nest:
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