Monday, 31 March 2014


31st March:

Today we did the final part of our work for the Discovery Science award. We were learning about starch and where you might find it. Starch is a carbohydrate and is found in plants, so it can be found in some foods, and also things like paper. Years ago people used to use starch to make the collars on shirts stand up nice and straight, but this usually led to lots of itchy necks!

Our job today was to test eight everyday things to see whether they contained starch. First of all we had to guess, or estimate, whether we thought they would contain starch, and record this on our log sheet. Then we got to test our ideas out. We used iodine, which makes things with starch in them turn a dark black colour when you drop it on them. It looks like black paint or ink from a pen. We used a syringe to suck up iodine from a jar and then drop it onto each item. Iodine can leave stains on clothes, so we had to be careful when handling it!

Check out some of our work - can you guess which items had starch in them?


Rhys was a great help with filling up the syringes with iodine






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