Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Titanic

27th November:

Today was our last day to learn about Titanic, so we watched a short video which summarised the whole story and the events of Titanic:

After that we used an ice cube container to examine how the Titanic sank. Finally, to finish off our work, it was time to have some fun. Mr Kennedy handed out lollipop sticks, play dough, tin foil, glue, corks, pipe cleaners and paper, and told us that we had to make our own boat or ship. The only rules were that it had to float and that it had to be able to carry a cargo (a small plastic pig!).

We had great fun putting our boats together in different ways. Mr Kennedy had a basin of water and we all tried out our boats to see if they could float and hold the cargo - some of us had to go back to the "ship yard" and re design our boats because they were letting in too much water! It was great fun all the same and we learned a lot about floating and sinking.

Keep an eye out for "Piggy" in the photos!






25th November:

Well, we have learned a lot about the Titanic over the last few weeks. Today we did a quiz and learned about the last hours of Titanic and how the ship that was called "unsinkable" actually sank.

Here is some of the work that we have done on the Titanic:

We made a list of the luggage people would have had with them on board the Titanic:


We wrote postcards to our friends from the Titanic:

We made a map of the journey the Titanic took:


 We wrote diary entries describing what it would have been like on board Titanic for her maiden voyage, and we made them look old by wiping them with wet teabags:



 And of course we drew our very own Titanics:

Here's what all of our hard work looks like when it is put together:




23rd November:

Here are some good clips of the Titanic sinking:

17th November:

On Friday we used pencil and pastels to draw our very own Titanics on A3 paper. We worked really hard as you can see and the results turned out great.



14th November: The Titanic is probably the most famous ship in history, and this month Second class are learning lots of interesting facts about the Titanic.

On Monday Mr Kennedy gave us each a boarding pass like this:

and invited us all on board the Titanic. We learned that there were three different levels of passenger, First class, Second class and Third class. Mr Kennedy showed us some video footage

of what the Titanic looked like and we had to imagine what it would have been like to be one of the passengers. We also learned a cool trick about how to make our pages look like they are 100 hundred years old! (We used teabags and water, but shushhhh, don't tell anyone!). Here we are trying it out:


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